Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Hack Attacks

Some sites or devices that lack security measures can be hacked.  Parents may think that children are less likely to have their security breached think again.  Some sites or devices that require identifying information can gain access to addresses, audio, video, pictures and recover dialogue transaction.  What this information can be used for is questionable; however, the mere fact that private information is being viewed is a loss of privacy.

Internet Predators

Our top priority is keeping our children safe.  Don't be an easy target for internet predators.  Chatting with someone through social media may end up being someone you don't want to "friend".  Believe it or not there are people out there that will hide their true identity to meet people online,  If this happens to you, let a parent or guardian know.  Don't keep it a secret.  Don't be persuaded to meet with the person.  Don't offer any identifying information about yourself.  Most of all don't talk to strangers. 

Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down


Check out this video!  This is the trailer from the movie Cents.  Our school had a private showing for students and staff.  This movie depicts how being different can warrant unwanted attention which leads to bullying.  Would you like to see this movie?  Would you share this with your students?  How can you start a conversation about the effects of bullying or cyberbullying?

Be A Buddy Not A Bully

Our school motto "Be A Buddy Not A Bully" is something that we take seriously.  Social media for the purpose of public insult or humiliation is not condoned and will result in loss of privileges.  Both the perpetrator and the victim will be exposed to counseling in attempts to resolve issues. Students and staff have a responsibility to report bullying, so that the necessary steps can be taken to protect and prevent further damage.  Incidents of bullying that are left unaddressed may have detrimental consequences.  Use the following linking from stopbullying.gov  for further information, and remember you can make a difference.