Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Be A Buddy Not A Bully

Our school motto "Be A Buddy Not A Bully" is something that we take seriously.  Social media for the purpose of public insult or humiliation is not condoned and will result in loss of privileges.  Both the perpetrator and the victim will be exposed to counseling in attempts to resolve issues. Students and staff have a responsibility to report bullying, so that the necessary steps can be taken to protect and prevent further damage.  Incidents of bullying that are left unaddressed may have detrimental consequences.  Use the following linking from stopbullying.gov  for further information, and remember you can make a difference.


  1. I like how proactive your school is with this issue. Consistent and persistent intervention, not punishment, is the key to prevent bullying!

  2. I like how proactive your school is with this issue. Consistent and persistent intervention, not punishment, is the key to prevent bullying!
